Stop On A Paradigm

So what if you have been living a life of your choosing and or possibly someone else’s choices for you.  It could be a scenario you are born and raised within a certain familial structure steeped in tradition, perceptions, emotions and logic taught.  Our elders, social systems, environment, and so much more we have wrapped our hearts in.  We love it especially our beliefs.  It’s the backbone of all that we are.  It validates our very existence so we must completely trust, embrace, and defend it.  At all cost.  index 2

These things, these aspects, are the coordinates that point our live’s course direction.  Literally, the compass we allow to govern primarily.  NOW here’s the question:  What if you discovered that compass has been designed with fundamentally inaccurate information intentionally?  Do you/I/we just ignore the revelations and keep going?  What path would my journey take with the “Real Compass” steering the direction?  The real compass I’m referring to is the truth of existentialism.  I typically accentuate the (X) in my wording because I choose to emphasize that X-factor of BEING.  EXXXistence unharnessed by a misleading of the course set to bridle creation and all Souls.  If information has/is being manipulated c(overt)ly through many various measures which has always been unquestionable.  Mathematically any directional determination by said governed compass is unfit to lead. index3

It occurs to me that of the many purposes of such an action decimating deception is control, a/k/a, governmental applications.  I feel its about stunting and blunting the individual power of the collective.  In other words, they don’t want the masses to be empowered thinking freely.  You are not supposed to recognize your true worth, energy, and/or capabilities.  Only what they can use, maneuver, or allow.  Manipulation of Souls/Creation truth into something less and increasingly artificial.  Free thought is not desirable according to that course they set for all.  That’s probably not a mystery to most who feel deeper.   But it goes beyond the obvious.  It can and will pull you from a comfortable zone if you think you can handle the TRUTHS.  It is a truly illuminating adventure to EXXXpand genuinely of Self/consciousness.   Empowering indeed everything denied, withheld, taken and etc.  NOW returns as was always Universally

pre-designed.  images7

So many re-evaluations, letting go of this, full on embracing that.  Allowances, acceptance, no more catering to emotional yo-yos.  Stopping judgments, perceptions, exclusionary thoughts.  It’s an on and on long list of Awakened Adjustments.  Coming to that proverbial crossroads usually is a either or decision that involves some pondering probabilities.  So with a deeper understanding (over-stand) of Universal truths that compass sharing sincere coordinates NOW consciousness kNOWs where it’s going.  So back to the original question once acquiring this empowering guide are you prepared to act?  Whatever was happening previously, where we allowed ourselves to be led isn’t the focal point.  It’s not a matter of can we, but rather will we stop on and SHIFT our paradigm? images8

Personally I’ve nearly totaled my journey at numerous points on that other course set by man-ipulation.  I will assume responsibility for any and all of that irregardless of circumstances.  It’s the lessons that morph into blessings somehow.  I AM so grateful for waking up to receive my/the truth.  I have stopped on a dime and NOW my journey’s enlightened, fearLESS, empowered, connected and blessed.  I hope and trust to see many of you all along our way to where we desire, deserve, and imagined. index1Creativity of Love’s ascension to be exact is right where we belong, Together….P.E.A.C.E!

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